I absolutely love the week after Christmas. To me, it is the most exciting, hopeful week of the year. It's like I've taken a 5 hour energy drink. Not that I ever have taken one, but this is how I imagine it feels. Maybe a little less jittery.

I love the feeling a new year brings, don't you? There's so much promise, I kind of feel like anything can happen. But we all know that nothing's going to happen without a plan. Really and truly, sit down with a notepad (or better yet your dream journal if you did that this year) and think about the possibilities that await you. And bring Jesus with you. You'll be amazed at what He has to say! Don't make plans and then ask God to bless them, make your plans with God and then you know they will be blessed! Just so we are clear, we are not talking about New Year's resolutions, here. We are talking about annual goals. For years, I have said that I don't make resolutions. I think the reason I stay away from that word is because New Year's resolutions tend to mean something people attempt in the month of January and then they are done with it. It's like people don't even expect them to stick. Be done with New Year's resolutions. Start making annual goals to accomplish. You have a brand new year ahead of you. What do you want to do? What would you like to change? Don't wait for things to happen. Make them happen. All it takes is a plan. But that is going to require some thought.
If you do make annual goals, review your goals from last year and see how you did.
BE KIND to yourself. If you have some things on there that you never got to, are they things you should try again this year? Don't be discouraged. And don't be afraid to look at the goals you set, Be deliberate in looking back and think about what worked and what didn't. Some of your goals might not have been reached because you forgot you even set them. This year, make sure your goals are something you look at regularly and even more importantly, pick the top ones and put them on display so you see them everyday! (more on this later) Did you not accomplish some goals for another reason? Are they unreasonable? Are you truly vested in it or do you just feel like you should say "I need to get in shape"? Don't be afraid to think about what you
didn't accomplish this year and why. Don't just transfer everything you didn't do this year to next year's goals.
Please, take time to pat yourself on the back for the things you did do. If you didn't set goals, kind of just do a year in review mentally. What are you proud of yourself for? What made you happy this year?
Now. Let's get to this year. Set some time aside (no excuses on this one!) and take out a blank piece of paper. I like to make 5 categories and start writing down goals for each. Here are the categories I like to work with:
- Home - These are projects I want to do this year around my house or things I want to buy for the house. It might be as large as re-placing your carpet or as small as making a photo gallery. Think about your budget, don't just write down everything that needs to be done (that would be depressing!) and thoughtfully pick some things you would truly like to accomplish this year.
- Me – Ladies, this is a hard one! We tend to put everything and everyone in front of ourselves. What are some things you want to do for yourself? Do you ever go out with girlfriends anymore? Is there something you have always wanted to learn how to do? I usually have to save this category for last but once you get going, you may surprise yourself.
- Health - I was really proud of myself in this category last year. (Go me!) Things that can go on this list....try infused waters, make one homemade something that replaces something processed you use (like coffee creamer), do your skin care regimen every night, get a skin care regimen, eat more fresh fruits and veggies, work out 1 more time a week than you do now (which for some of us would be 1 time a week...yeah).
- Social – These are things I want to do with other people, including the hubs. Want to have date nights? Want to spend more time with friends? Want to entertain more?
- Finances – Do you need to pay off some debt? Want to go on a trip? Start saving more money? Start saving money period?

I told you this last year but it bears repeating...you HAVE to write these goals down. My goals take up a whole page. Some are really "small" and some are going to require more work. Now that you have them written down, you have to look at them. At least monthly, if not weekly. You can't just say "I want to go out with my girlfriends more" and wait for that to happen. But re-reading it weekly and seeing it on the list will make you say "Hey, I'm going to text Kim and see if she wants to do something next week!" (she does, trust me)
This year (2015), I decided to put my most important goals in a picture frame. I saw this idea here originally
New Years Goals Photo Display and totally loved it. I changed it up a little bit. My categories look like this:
- Start:
- Stop:
- Learn how to:
- Be More:
- Project:
- Trip:
- Bucket List:
I loved how this covered my "main things" and felt it was a great way to focus for the year. Buy a collage picture frame (mine is from Hobby Lobby, $12). I simply went into
PicMonkey, to design and selected 4x6 canvas. There you can make a background color (or keep it white and just print it on color paper. You can put text in all different fonts. You can make patterns, frames or add pictures like hearts, stars, etc. It's pretty fun to work with! Print those bad boys out and trim to fit your frame. Word of advice...you may want to think about where you are going to hang it. Mine is in my bedroom, in a place where I see it often. Unfortunately last year, I thought about this AFTER I printed it and it totally did not match my bedroom at all!! But that's ok, it still worked. It's also nice that you can write notes or check marks or anything you want on the glass with a dry erase marker. Hopefully you can see my pen marks on the one from 2015.
2016 Goals...Already on Display and Ready to Rock It! |
Be fierce in 2016. Aggressively go after the life you want. You have to have a plan and you have to take the time to figure out what you want. Then you need to review that plan, OFTEN. I truly pray that God helps you start living the life you have always wanted! Be blessed!
Here's to Being Unstoppable in 2016~
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