I have heard myself say "I have got to get it together" more times than I care to admit this year. If I am not saying that, I am thinking, "I am really just not myself lately." I mean, of course I am myself. But I feel like I just don't do all the things I normally do and it doesn't even bother me like it used to anymore (maybe that's a GOOD thing?). Am I just getting old and slowing down? What IS wrong with me? Why can't I get it together?
Here's what I know. I have had a hard year. But I would never tell you that (except for the fact that I just did). Because I didn't get divorced. I didn't lose my job. Disney World did not fall off the face of the earth. I was not diagnosed with an allergy to beer. You get the picture. Nothing cataclysmic happened.
Here's what I learned. And it took me until mid-September to really figure this out. There are a lot of things that can happen in your life that are exhausting mentally and physically. You know, other than the big things you know will naturally do that to you (see aforementioned list). You don't have to have a major life event in order to have a bad year or to be going through a hard time. You can have a series of draining situations that leave you, well, drained. I really thought this summer would be a good recharging point for me and I could face the fall with a renewed spirit. But, at the very end of the summer, a new situation presented itself that was kind of life altering. And here I am, back in the ocean, trying to get someone to throw me a line. Again.
And that's life for you. You can have every intention of doing this, that, and the other thing, but you really don't have any way of knowing what's coming your way. And then you have to make a decision on how to proceed. But proceed you will.
And now I am at the reflective point in my year where I wonder....am I proceeding as I should be? Is this the best I can do? You might not be able to do all the things you did before. It may leave you feeling like you are only part of your former greatness. But don't be too hard on yourself. Do the best you can with what you have and maybe you can go back to some of the things you did before once you settle into your new reality. Or...maybe not. Try to breathe and embrace it. But don't hold on too tight. Life is full of seasons and seasons come and seasons go. Sometimes we are reaping the harvest and sometimes we are sowing the seeds. And no season lasts forever. Change could be just around the corner. Again.
Embrace Your Season~
Friday, December 30, 2016
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Haters Gonna Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate.....
For a long time I thought that reality TV was the worst thing that ever happened to our country. Now, I am pretty sure that social media is. I know! Ironic coming from a chick with a blog.
I loved that he said that. It was like this little happy light went on in my heart that maybe I was wrong and people were going to move on starting right now! And there were like 20 comments and I was like, oh look, everyone is ready to heal and move on! And I kept reading because I was so excited! There were many positive comments in agreement and then...there it was. An all out nasty comment war between people, who may or may not have even known each other, I don't know. I was reading with my jaw dropped (because people being rude and uncivil never ceases to amaze me and for Pete's sake you are being hateful when he just said to NOT be hateful), and then I just stopped reading, because I couldn't go on. And when I exited out of this tirade, I felt this terrible feeling, as if the comment had been directed at me, but it wasn't. It had nothing to do with me whatsoever. But I felt it. And after a few minutes, it was still on me. You know what that is?
I really blame social media for this. And maybe cell phones too. Sure, let's throw them in there too. People don't have face time anymore. They hide behind phones, they hid behind computers and suddenly, because of this, people have been emboldened to say whatever they want to and in the process, they have forgotten their manners (I'm quite sure this happens less in southerners but I don't have the evidence to prove that yet). But better yet, they have forgotten how to be decent people.
Let me share a quote with you that I love. Chew on it for a minute.
We don't have to agree on everything, we don't have to believe the same things. Since the dawn of time, man has not. But now, for some reason, people think that if we disagree on something as simple as a political candidate, that they can have vehement hostility towards each other. And please, do not tell me it is because of who the candidate was. That is a cop out. People, it seems to me, are just looking for something to be pissed off about. For some, this election fit the bill quite nicely and gave them a whole group of people that they could put their ugliness on and hate. You know what? I'm not Gandhi, but I know you should not have that much hate in your heart about anything.
I wish people would put the kind back in human kind. Some of us will keep on trying to be a little bit better, a little bit kinder, a little bit nicer. Some, sadly, will not. All of us need to not lose heart and think that just because we can see these rude people more on social media, there are more of them.
I leave you with one more quote. It's the most important one of all. It's from Will Smith. No, not Shakespeare, Smith. Yeah, heavy philosophy tonight! Years ago he did a remake of the song "Just the Two of Us". It was a song to his young son. There was a line in it that just stuck with me all these years and I say it to myself and my own daughters all the time.
Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad,
Humankind, please don't drink the poison.
And For the Love of All That is Holy, Be Kind To Each Other~
So here's what happened to me today. The day after the election, I vowed I would not get on Facebook for love or money. I wanted no parts of the comments and bickering. Even though the election was over, I knew people were not ready to move on. Not today, my friend. But it was one of my best friend's birthdays and I wanted to post something nice for her on Facebook because I couldn't see her today. (So, as it turned out, I guess I would go on Facebook for love. I would have taken the money gig too but that offer didn't happen). I go out there and do my business and then.....I did it. I saw the top story in my news feed. But it was good! It was from an old friend of mine who said,
"Folks, be kind to one another today. Celebrate if you want to celebrate. Grieve if you want to grieve. But for the love of all that is holy, respect someone with a differing opinion and move on."
You see when people are ranting their hate and their anger and their ugliness, it gets all over you like mud and it takes just as long to get off. My heart was altered for the rest of the day.I really blame social media for this. And maybe cell phones too. Sure, let's throw them in there too. People don't have face time anymore. They hide behind phones, they hid behind computers and suddenly, because of this, people have been emboldened to say whatever they want to and in the process, they have forgotten their manners (I'm quite sure this happens less in southerners but I don't have the evidence to prove that yet). But better yet, they have forgotten how to be decent people.
Let me share a quote with you that I love. Chew on it for a minute.
We don't have to agree on everything, we don't have to believe the same things. Since the dawn of time, man has not. But now, for some reason, people think that if we disagree on something as simple as a political candidate, that they can have vehement hostility towards each other. And please, do not tell me it is because of who the candidate was. That is a cop out. People, it seems to me, are just looking for something to be pissed off about. For some, this election fit the bill quite nicely and gave them a whole group of people that they could put their ugliness on and hate. You know what? I'm not Gandhi, but I know you should not have that much hate in your heart about anything.
I wish people would put the kind back in human kind. Some of us will keep on trying to be a little bit better, a little bit kinder, a little bit nicer. Some, sadly, will not. All of us need to not lose heart and think that just because we can see these rude people more on social media, there are more of them.
I leave you with one more quote. It's the most important one of all. It's from Will Smith. No, not Shakespeare, Smith. Yeah, heavy philosophy tonight! Years ago he did a remake of the song "Just the Two of Us". It was a song to his young son. There was a line in it that just stuck with me all these years and I say it to myself and my own daughters all the time.
Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad,
Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.
Humankind, please don't drink the poison.
And For the Love of All That is Holy, Be Kind To Each Other~
Monday, November 7, 2016
November's Menu
I don't know if it's because we were on vacation, but I am in serious denial that it is already November! This weekend I made my November freezer meals and reality has set in. Yeah, it's November.
This month is sure to be busy with the kick off of the holiday season. Here are some recipes to help you out! All can be made beforehand and frozen (but they don't have to be, so calm down)!
Sunday, October 2, 2016
October's Menu
It's Fall Ya'll!!! While Fall is my very favorite season, I am having to come to terms with the fact that we are not going to be able to do all our usual traditions because we are going on a big vacation. It will make it worth all those things I will miss this Fall. I just gotta keep saying that to myself for the next 20 days. (I do love my traditions!)
Here is a fabulous fall menu that I hope you will enjoy!!
Here is a fabulous fall menu that I hope you will enjoy!!
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
August Menu
Summer is just flying by...like always. While Team Holmes has been ripping and running as usual, I still had to find time to stock up on some tasty meals for August. Just because I don't go into work in the summer, does not mean I feel like figuring out what's for dinner!
This past weekend I had my first "private session" freezer meal session and we had a ball! We decided to do a "past favorites" menu, with only a couple new recipes thrown in. It was the first freezer session that ever had a beer run in the middle. And I gotta say, I kind of liked it!
Here is August's menu. All those items in orange can be made ahead as freezer meals. Or not. Up to you! And feel free to throw in beer runs as necessary!
Enjoy these recipes!
This past weekend I had my first "private session" freezer meal session and we had a ball! We decided to do a "past favorites" menu, with only a couple new recipes thrown in. It was the first freezer session that ever had a beer run in the middle. And I gotta say, I kind of liked it!
Here is August's menu. All those items in orange can be made ahead as freezer meals. Or not. Up to you! And feel free to throw in beer runs as necessary!
Sunday, July 17, 2016
How My Daughter Got Me Back into a Bikini
What is it about summer that makes it go so fast and makes the kids grow up even faster than normal? I swear when I get back to school, my students look like they have been on Miracle Gro for 2 months and my own children are no exception.
For my own personal reasons, I have not allowed my now 13 year old to wear a bikini. At the beginning of the summer, she asked me, "Mom, why don't you let me wear a bikini?" and I said, "Why do you WANT to wear one?" She says, "The only kids that wear tankinis are little kids and the only teenagers that wear them are the ones who are ashamed of their bodies. I don't want people to think I am embarrassed of my body." Which, is short of a miracle coming from her, because I have definitely heard non-flattering comments regarding her body come from her mouth on more than one occasion. Hmm. Well, that was a pretty valid argument. After talking it over with her father (and determining that she would be a great lawyer one day), we decided that we would allow her to start wearing a bikini. Sigh....
Somehow I manage the trauma of shopping for a bikini with my Teenie and I am pleasantly surprised that this seems to make her more confident instead of less confident. Then, I get to thinkin'. Why did I stop wearing a bikini? If my 13 year old, who is at the most self-conscious time of her life, can wear a bikini proudly, why can't I? Why can't I let go of the terrible 80's idea that was drilled into my teenage head of what was beautiful and the normal size (think Jane Fonda work out videos and terribly skinny chicks)? Why aren't I embracing who I am and what I look like right now?
If you go to any beach or water park, you will always find all types of shapes and sizes in all types of bikinis. What I am trying to say is this. Someone will always look better than you. And someone will always look...less in shape than you. But that's not what I see when I go to these places. I see people of all body types letting it all hang out who don't seem to care what other people think. And it makes me just a little bit jealous.
So I had to take a step back and give it a chance. I channeled another lesson I have learned this year...don't buy cheap clothes. Yes, I had to spend some money on a bathing suit. I love you Target. Really, I do. But your bathing suits are not made for grown people. So for the first time in forever, I went to ....(pause for dramatic effect)...the mall. Guess what? It's just as expensive as I remember it! But seriously, bathing suits are on sale in July. Summer's over, I guess, folks. So, that helped me a little. It also helped that many of the bathing suit tops came in actual bra sizes instead of S, M, L. Score one for the grown people (bless you Dillards!). And so I found 2 bathing suits that I actually really liked and purchased.
For my own personal reasons, I have not allowed my now 13 year old to wear a bikini. At the beginning of the summer, she asked me, "Mom, why don't you let me wear a bikini?" and I said, "Why do you WANT to wear one?" She says, "The only kids that wear tankinis are little kids and the only teenagers that wear them are the ones who are ashamed of their bodies. I don't want people to think I am embarrassed of my body." Which, is short of a miracle coming from her, because I have definitely heard non-flattering comments regarding her body come from her mouth on more than one occasion. Hmm. Well, that was a pretty valid argument. After talking it over with her father (and determining that she would be a great lawyer one day), we decided that we would allow her to start wearing a bikini. Sigh....
Somehow I manage the trauma of shopping for a bikini with my Teenie and I am pleasantly surprised that this seems to make her more confident instead of less confident. Then, I get to thinkin'. Why did I stop wearing a bikini? If my 13 year old, who is at the most self-conscious time of her life, can wear a bikini proudly, why can't I? Why can't I let go of the terrible 80's idea that was drilled into my teenage head of what was beautiful and the normal size (think Jane Fonda work out videos and terribly skinny chicks)? Why aren't I embracing who I am and what I look like right now?
If you go to any beach or water park, you will always find all types of shapes and sizes in all types of bikinis. What I am trying to say is this. Someone will always look better than you. And someone will always look...less in shape than you. But that's not what I see when I go to these places. I see people of all body types letting it all hang out who don't seem to care what other people think. And it makes me just a little bit jealous.
So I had to take a step back and give it a chance. I channeled another lesson I have learned this year...don't buy cheap clothes. Yes, I had to spend some money on a bathing suit. I love you Target. Really, I do. But your bathing suits are not made for grown people. So for the first time in forever, I went to ....(pause for dramatic effect)...the mall. Guess what? It's just as expensive as I remember it! But seriously, bathing suits are on sale in July. Summer's over, I guess, folks. So, that helped me a little. It also helped that many of the bathing suit tops came in actual bra sizes instead of S, M, L. Score one for the grown people (bless you Dillards!). And so I found 2 bathing suits that I actually really liked and purchased.
And then it occurred to me that maybe that's what we all need to do. No, not wear bikinis. Maybe we all need to be a little less worried about what's going on on the outside and more about what's going on in the inside. I watched my daughter, who is not entirely comfortable with her figure, embrace it and love it and be proud of it. She inspired me. I don't LIKE wearing tankinis. They make me feel frumpy and old. So what the heck am I doing in one? I need to embrace me, not just the good parts, but all parts. And so, I did. Score another one for being fierce in 2016.
Happy Summer, Ya'll!
Friday, July 1, 2016
July's Menu
Happy July everyone! Summer is in full gear now and who amongst us wants to worry about what's for dinner? No one.
Well worry no more, here is your delicious July menu! These meals are clean, healthy, and take advantage of all the great produce available now.
This month I had 5 fabulous ladies working with me on freezer meals. We made 19 meals in 5 hours! And we weren't just throwing things in a bag. Our meals this month included things like Tomato Basil Burgers and Pesto Bacon Stuffed Chicken. Yum! The menu items in blue are the things we froze. So...feel free to try to make a few on your own and throw them into the freezer for later! You won't regret it!
I hope these recipes will give you a chance to try something new and have a little more time in your summer!!
Monday, June 20, 2016
What I Really Wanted to Say on Father's Day
Father's. Sometimes I think they are a lucky bunch. My husband can't remember who my children's teachers are. He doesn't remember who likes Doritos and who likes Lays. He never fills out permission slips. He doesn't take them to lessons. Sometimes I get so frustrated. It's just not fair. Why do I have to remember all this stuff? Help me out here, dude.
We are all gifted for different things (whether we are the same sex or not). And life gets a whole lot easier if you learn and accept that. While you can learn to do certain things, you may never a knack for it. So don't be envious of someone who has different talents than you, just admire them. (Maybe if you are really nice to them, they'll even give you some tips!) Embrace what your gifts are and don't expect others to have the same ones that you do.
My husband is never going to remember who wants Doritos and who wants Lays. But what he does give my girls is so much more important than the correct bag of potato chips. They know they are loved. They know if there is an issue and he needs to intervene, he will fight for them for as long as it takes. More importantly than just feeling loved, they know they are valuable, intelligent and precious, not only to us, but to the world. Anyone that doesn't think they are doesn't deserve to be their friend or good forbid, their boyfriend (they will probably stop liking their father around that time - you know, when they are 50!).
I love how much he talks to my girls. About history, about current events, about life. They know he can help them solve their problems, if that's what they want. They know they can just vent to him too and he will understand. He values what they have to say. They know what it means to be a family. That sometimes you don't know what someone wants exactly, but you will do the best you can and listen and love them. They know what it is to work hard, to provide for your family, and to make sure you take time to have fun too.

So what I really wanted to say to him on Father's Day was, I love you for the gifts that you have. I love you for the wonderful job you are doing raising two girls in a world that has gone crazy. And I love you for making the whole thing so darn fun. And for goodness sake, don't give the Teenie the Doritos.
Thanks to all the Dads out there who are giving it their all!
We are all gifted for different things (whether we are the same sex or not). And life gets a whole lot easier if you learn and accept that. While you can learn to do certain things, you may never a knack for it. So don't be envious of someone who has different talents than you, just admire them. (Maybe if you are really nice to them, they'll even give you some tips!) Embrace what your gifts are and don't expect others to have the same ones that you do.
My husband is never going to remember who wants Doritos and who wants Lays. But what he does give my girls is so much more important than the correct bag of potato chips. They know they are loved. They know if there is an issue and he needs to intervene, he will fight for them for as long as it takes. More importantly than just feeling loved, they know they are valuable, intelligent and precious, not only to us, but to the world. Anyone that doesn't think they are doesn't deserve to be their friend or good forbid, their boyfriend (they will probably stop liking their father around that time - you know, when they are 50!).
I love how much he talks to my girls. About history, about current events, about life. They know he can help them solve their problems, if that's what they want. They know they can just vent to him too and he will understand. He values what they have to say. They know what it means to be a family. That sometimes you don't know what someone wants exactly, but you will do the best you can and listen and love them. They know what it is to work hard, to provide for your family, and to make sure you take time to have fun too.

So what I really wanted to say to him on Father's Day was, I love you for the gifts that you have. I love you for the wonderful job you are doing raising two girls in a world that has gone crazy. And I love you for making the whole thing so darn fun. And for goodness sake, don't give the Teenie the Doritos.
Thanks to all the Dads out there who are giving it their all!
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
How My Stitch Fix Sylist Became My BFF
So...I really wanted an end of school/beginning of summer fix and decided to lift my once a month fix ban. I asked for a special kind of fix, just tanks. Is that weird? I don't know. I had read where people asked for just jeans to find the perfect pair and so I thought, why not. While some of the shirts I got were more in the sleeveless category than the tank category, I still loved them all and felt like my girl delivered. I said that I wanted to have another fix in July so I really did not want to spend too much money on any one shirt. And let's face it, I am not spending $60 on a tank top, you know I'm not. So let me share how it all worked out for me.
I had a great day Monday. And I wasn't expecting to. But I got a crazy amount accomplished and it took a lot of stress off me. Then I got a text from my Tweenie..."Your fix is here". This was sizing up to be the perfect day.
I swear peeking is the very best part. First I look at one side...
Then I look at the other...
And man, I was E.X.C.I.T.E.D.
Look at my excited face.

SSF BFF said she knew this wasn't a tank but it was mint and she thought I would love it. It's still sleeveless, which is good enough for me. Well played, SF BFF! Again, what's not to love?

If that's not fun enough, look what the back does!

This is so comfortable, I could wear it to bed. I love everything about this shirt.
You're not going to believe this, but it just keeps getting better. I saved the best for last.
Item #5: Renee C Leela Racerback Top - $44
OMG....how much fun is this shirt?!

Wait! There's more!
So, my total came to $50 over my budget. But here's the thing, if you keep all of it, you get a 25% discount. So, if you start picking and choosing, your aren't going to do as well. (I mean, you don't want me to LOSE money in this thing, right?) So I spent $34 a shirt basically, which isn't bad, even for a cheapskate like me. Just help me explain to my hubs that I need a $50 loan until next payday. So, yeah, opps, I did it again. No returns SF!
Did I mention I was going to Disney in October? I mean, these are vacation tops right here people. Ok, I can't waste all night justifying this to you. I gotta go find something to wear with my top tomorrow.
I had a great day Monday. And I wasn't expecting to. But I got a crazy amount accomplished and it took a lot of stress off me. Then I got a text from my Tweenie..."Your fix is here". This was sizing up to be the perfect day.
I swear peeking is the very best part. First I look at one side...
Then I look at the other...
And man, I was E.X.C.I.T.E.D.
Look at my excited face.
So if you have not followed my blog in regards to getting a fix, here's how it works...I get my fix. I geek out. I look at everything. I geek out some more. I look at the price sheet. That looks like this.
In case you can't tell, that is anguish and fear over how much is it going to cost.
Then, before I start freaking out about what I can keep and what I can't, I try everything on. Because some things might look good in the box but not good on my body or, they might not fit. So, no, I am not going to start worrying about what to keep and what to send back until I get to this stage.
So...here goes. I know you want me to shut up and show you the pictures already.
Item #1 - Pixley Brook Dot Print Tie-Waist Top - $44
Item #2: Daniel Rainn Angelika Crochet Detail Top - $64

Item #3: Aratta Millicent Split Back Top - $54
First of all, apologies on how wrinkled it is. I can't be ironing clothes if I don't even know if I am going to buy them. I don't even want to iron when I do buy them!

If that's not fun enough, look what the back does!
She actually saw this tank on my Pinterest board and sent it to me! A first!
Item # 3: 41 Hawthorn Montgomery Cross Front Knit Top - $48

This is so comfortable, I could wear it to bed. I love everything about this shirt.
You're not going to believe this, but it just keeps getting better. I saved the best for last.
Item #5: Renee C Leela Racerback Top - $44
OMG....how much fun is this shirt?!

Wait! There's more!
So, my total came to $50 over my budget. But here's the thing, if you keep all of it, you get a 25% discount. So, if you start picking and choosing, your aren't going to do as well. (I mean, you don't want me to LOSE money in this thing, right?) So I spent $34 a shirt basically, which isn't bad, even for a cheapskate like me. Just help me explain to my hubs that I need a $50 loan until next payday. So, yeah, opps, I did it again. No returns SF!
Did I mention I was going to Disney in October? I mean, these are vacation tops right here people. Ok, I can't waste all night justifying this to you. I gotta go find something to wear with my top tomorrow.
Monday, May 23, 2016
My heart Healed a Little Bit Today
When someone you love and live with has been hurt, it can
really take a minute to heal from that. You
think you get out of your circumstances and everyone will be just fine, but it
just doesn’t work like that. It’s like a
physical wound that has to scab over and then heal. It takes time. I think that is why I am so anxious for
summer this year, because I feel like it will take that whole 9 weeks for us to
relax and regroup and yes, to heal. I
mean, some days I feel like I am trying to love my daughter so hard that all her
brokenness will stick back together.
Throughout everything, and there were a lot of things, my
lowest point was when my daughter couldn’t sing. She has a beautiful gift from God…an amazing
voice. And at some point in all of this,
I am sure that she felt like that was all she had left. I will never forget the day of her voice
lessons when she just had nothing. She
was exhausted from not sleeping and she was completely stressed out. And we kind of felt like "Now what's left?". I promised her she
would heal, we would all heal, and things would get better.
There are much worse things that people go
through in life, such as families splitting apart or dealing with a serious
illness or losing loved ones. And those
people heal too. It might take a little
longer and in some instances, you never completely heal. There will always be a whole in your heart
where that person was, or where your family was whole. And most always, you have scars left. Many times, these experiences make you a
better person. More compassionate. More empathetic. My daughter was already a very kind-hearted person. But I know now that for the rest of her life,
she will build others up because she knows what it’s like to be torn down. I know that she will be a champion for the
underdog. And I know that she is
stronger and braver already at age 13 than I ever realized.
Several weeks ago, you may remember, she had the flu. Well, the flu doesn’t do much for your voice. Today she had a voice recital. The last couple of weeks have been a struggle
with trying to get her voice to recover from the flu. She was supposed to perform two songs. I suggested she ditch one of them. She wouldn’t have it. She forged on and worked and worked and I
prayed and prayed. This was so important
to her and to me. Not because it was
some professional debut. Not because she
was supposed to be perfect. Because it
represents something. It’s her
gift. It’s something that we thought
couldn’t be taken away. And then it kind
of was. Her gift, being back and fully
intact, represents her healing. It represents
her moving forward. And it represents
something she can give to the world. That
beautiful gift that touches my heart and, I hope, the heart of others, who hear
it. It represents her ability to rise
above it all.
And like a phoenix, she rose from the ashes. Today I saw her whole again. Surrounded by the people who love her the most
and listening to her sing, my heart healed just a little bit. When she sings, I see all that is beautiful
and perfect about her. And I know that
we will get through this. Healed, but always touched by it, and made a little
different by the experience. And we will
take the powerful lessons learned and know that with God and our love for each
other, no one can make us broken. Not
for long.
Now, if you will indulge me and forgive me for a braggy,
proud momma post, I would like to share one of her songs with you.
"On My Own"
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
A Close Encounter
Dinner and a movie night is back folks. This time on the menu, Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
A couple of weeks ago we had our BiFFs over for dinner and a movie night. Which, in case you missed the February 7th post, is a stay at home double date where one couple hosts. We pick a movie someone hasn't seen and try to fix this injustice to mankind. We watch it and have a themed dinner. Super fun. And I. Love. Themes.
So, if you have never seen this movie, you are going to be a little lost in this blog post. I will try to help you out as best I can. At worst, you will get some great recipes.
For starters, we had some "Hotter Than Devil's Tower Jalapenos". They weren't really THAT hot. But it's a good name. For those of you not in the know, Devil's Tower is that tall thing in the picture under the ginormous space ship. It's a real place in Wyoming. I don't think the space ship is there though...
We cooked ours in the oven instead of on the grill. Still delicious. I was so mad though...I forgot the tomatoes and cilantro on top. I'm pretty sure that was going to take these to the next level.
For dinner...a little "What's on the Side of the Road" Pineapple Ginger Flank Steak. I can't really go into detail about the name without spoiling the movie. Delicious.
Make it your own. And definitely serve in the martini glass. It's a mashtini!
Let's not forget our beverages. Tasty Alien Secretions. OK, the name is not so tasty. Actually they called it Alien Pee. So I really brought it up a notch.
A couple of weeks ago we had our BiFFs over for dinner and a movie night. Which, in case you missed the February 7th post, is a stay at home double date where one couple hosts. We pick a movie someone hasn't seen and try to fix this injustice to mankind. We watch it and have a themed dinner. Super fun. And I. Love. Themes.
So, if you have never seen this movie, you are going to be a little lost in this blog post. I will try to help you out as best I can. At worst, you will get some great recipes.
For starters, we had some "Hotter Than Devil's Tower Jalapenos". They weren't really THAT hot. But it's a good name. For those of you not in the know, Devil's Tower is that tall thing in the picture under the ginormous space ship. It's a real place in Wyoming. I don't think the space ship is there though...
We cooked ours in the oven instead of on the grill. Still delicious. I was so mad though...I forgot the tomatoes and cilantro on top. I'm pretty sure that was going to take these to the next level.
For dinner...a little "What's on the Side of the Road" Pineapple Ginger Flank Steak. I can't really go into detail about the name without spoiling the movie. Delicious.
And how would dinner be complete without a mashed potato bar! There is a very famous scene in the movie where Richard Dreyfuss has a come apart of his very own at the dinner table. With mashed potatoes. It's awesome.
So we had some of our own (mashed potatoes, not nervous breakdowns). Sadly, I was so excited to fix mine, I forgot to take pictures. But it was kind of like this.
Our toppings included:
green onions
sour cream
Make it your own. And definitely serve in the martini glass. It's a mashtini!
For dessert....First of all, do you remember these things?
Oh, my gosh. There were several flavors but they were all stupid except for the raspberry ones. Well, I found a Zinger cake. Oh yes. I will figure out a way to work this into the movie.
This cake was so good. (DEFINITELY refrigerate it before you eat it.)
So this is....wait for it. "I Saw a UFO" cake. Get it!? You don't? The scene in the movie...where Richard Dreyfuss sees a UFO and then his face gets sunburned...but only on the side that was exposed to the UFO.
NOW, do you get it? Haha...I could do this all day.Let's not forget our beverages. Tasty Alien Secretions. OK, the name is not so tasty. Actually they called it Alien Pee. So I really brought it up a notch.
Have you recently had a close encounter? I mean with your friends, not with aliens (although if you have, I'd love to hear about that!) Enjoy time with friends, it's what really mattes. Close Encounters taught us that we are not alone. We're not meant to be. That's for sure.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Where's the Fix?
So many of you are probably wondering right now...where's the fix? Well, after last time, when I kept everything, I realized I'd better go to every other month. Because I have a very serious problem. My problem is that many of my goals are in direct conflict with each other. One of our goals, a big goal, is to pay off our debt. I mean, we always say that but this year, we wanted to really, truly be serious and have a plan and stick to it. We know we won't have it paid off in a year, but that's mostly because of family goal #2....go to Disney and stay on property. So, right away you see what I mean about conflicting goals. It's ok, we don't like to do things the easy way around here. The problem with us paying off our debt is that when I say we have a goal like this, I will try to cut all the corners I can to make our plan happen. In other words, I will think, if I just don't get my hair cut this month, I can put that money towards this bill. Because I truly do get excited about paying something off and accomplishing this goal. However, I did say I was going to get my nails done, and go out with girlfriends, and take care of me this year too. You see where I am going here. Inner conflict.
Now you know now that I haven't had a fix in 2 months! I was so excited to get my first bit of summer clothes and I just knew there was going to be some shoes in there. I love that first peek into the box. It's so exciting!
There's those shoes! (they come in a bag, for further anticipation!).
Ok, so that first peek isn't that exciting. How about this one?
That looks fun, right?!
Here's my ritual. I take everything out one by one and squeal. My daughter jumps up and down beside me and tells me to keep everything. Then, I pull out the price sheet. I have to know almost immediately if I am not allowed to fall in love with something. Then, before I stress over what I am going to pay for, I try everything on. Usually this helps me know what I really love and what I eh. I usually have pretty good luck with stuff fitting but when it doesn't, I feel like God is trying to help me out.
Item #1 - Liverpool Kay Skinny Jean - $78
I asked for a pair of white jeans and her words were "these are the same brand as the dark wash jeans you adored in Fix #1". I had already made the mistake of sending one pair back, it wasn't going to happen again. Well played Stephanie Y (she's my stylist and BFF in case you have not been keeping up). Well, as soon as these jeans touch my leg, I remembered why it pained me so to send them back. These jeans are like butter. Its not very often denim can make that claim. I would so pay $78 for butter jeans.
Item #2 - Atalya Cold Shoulder Top - $48
Of course this was the first thing that caught my eye! In cute pink and orange, it's nice and bright. I did tell my stylist that I really like the off the shoulder look. And here it was! Hubs and I were going to Sunday brunch and I wore this to brunch faster than you can say "I'll take a Bloody Mary". (Yep, still got on the jeans.)
Verdict: Kept it and the Bloody Mary
Item #2 - Colibri Sleeveless Top - $44
I am a polka dot lover! I did suggest polka dots and I love navy and white. I prayed this top was not going to be $80 because I knew it was a keeper AND was going to go great with my new butter jeans!
Now you know now that I haven't had a fix in 2 months! I was so excited to get my first bit of summer clothes and I just knew there was going to be some shoes in there. I love that first peek into the box. It's so exciting!
There's those shoes! (they come in a bag, for further anticipation!).
Ok, so that first peek isn't that exciting. How about this one?
That looks fun, right?!
Here's my ritual. I take everything out one by one and squeal. My daughter jumps up and down beside me and tells me to keep everything. Then, I pull out the price sheet. I have to know almost immediately if I am not allowed to fall in love with something. Then, before I stress over what I am going to pay for, I try everything on. Usually this helps me know what I really love and what I eh. I usually have pretty good luck with stuff fitting but when it doesn't, I feel like God is trying to help me out.
Item #1 - Liverpool Kay Skinny Jean - $78
I asked for a pair of white jeans and her words were "these are the same brand as the dark wash jeans you adored in Fix #1". I had already made the mistake of sending one pair back, it wasn't going to happen again. Well played Stephanie Y (she's my stylist and BFF in case you have not been keeping up). Well, as soon as these jeans touch my leg, I remembered why it pained me so to send them back. These jeans are like butter. Its not very often denim can make that claim. I would so pay $78 for butter jeans.
Verdict: Kept
Item #2 - Atalya Cold Shoulder Top - $48
Of course this was the first thing that caught my eye! In cute pink and orange, it's nice and bright. I did tell my stylist that I really like the off the shoulder look. And here it was! Hubs and I were going to Sunday brunch and I wore this to brunch faster than you can say "I'll take a Bloody Mary". (Yep, still got on the jeans.)
Verdict: Kept it and the Bloody Mary
Item #2 - Colibri Sleeveless Top - $44
I am a polka dot lover! I did suggest polka dots and I love navy and white. I prayed this top was not going to be $80 because I knew it was a keeper AND was going to go great with my new butter jeans!
Verdict: Kept
Item #4: Kut From the Kloth Boyfriend Short
Alright, I just had a milestone. $78 for jeans. $68 for shorts? Now you are pushing it. There are actually several problems here. The real one is....I haven't worn shorts in...years. Like 10 or more. I hate shorts. I hate the way they feel and ride up. However, I feel like there are shorts out there for me and I just have to find them. And maybe they will be $68. But not today my friend. I also found these just a little too rough looking. I could live with the tears but not the unfinished turned up look of the cuff. I have faith that Stephanie Y will find the short for me one day. And when that day happens, you will be the first to know about it.
I feel like there is going to be fallout from the shorts return. I am ready.
Verdict: Returned
Item #5: Seychelles Top Notch Woven Wedge
First pair of shoes. So cute. So exciting. So expensive.
The shoes come in this adorable bag.
And while I love them,
I cannot pay $100 for shoes.
Verdict: Returned
So thanks to my beloved BFF (my real one, not Stephanie Y), I was able to keep the jeans and 2 tops. Because my BFF puts the B in BFF, she figured out that you can give Stitch Fix gift cards. Yep, up there in the right hand corner of Stitch Fix it says gift cards. Why didn't I ever notice that? Anyway, my Sister Girl hooked me up. (Love you Kimmie. You can touch my butter jeans anytime you want!) If you want to give Stitch Fix a try, please use my referral code:
I do get a $25 credit for anyone who gets a fix. My conflicted goals will love you for it!
Here's to being beautiful in 2016, even if it's every other month!
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