Remember the old Ginsu knife commercials? "But wait! You also get...."
Lil Bit gets a fever on Friday and I have to take her home from school. I figured she is exhausted from the festivities the night before and just has "Lion Kingitis". No big deal, part of being a parent, sick kids.
Sunday, she still has a fever. This is very unusual for her, so I take her to the doctor's office. Hubs has gone to work so my other daughter comes with me. Doc tells me she has strep AND the flu. As I am talking to the doctor, I look over at the Tweenie and she is slumped down in the chair, looking terrible. Turns out she has developed a 102 degree fever and ALSO has the flu. Yes, while we are there. I take these sickos back home, get them all situated, get ready to go get their meds and in walks Hubs. Looking awful. I was like, "What's wrong with you?!" I turn him right around and say "Go to Patient First and don't come back without meds". Guess who else has the flu? I am now officially surrounded. So much for starting May off on the right foot. I am the last man standing on Survivor Island. Believe when I picked up the meds, there was a 12 pack of beer in the purchase too. (The pharmacist assured me it would kill germs. She is a trained professional.)
Sometimes you have a bad day. Sometimes you have a bad week. Sometimes, you are not really sure when you are going to go back to whatever normal is. So what do you do? You pull out your map. Because you can't stress about things you can't control. You just gotta try and refocus. I got my annual goals back out and reviewed them because you still have to get on with your life. You know, in between the 80 trips running up and down the stairs taking care of your plague ridden family.
The good news is, at least I got my Chewbaca eyebrows waxed.
Enjoy life. Right now. Don't wait for better days ahead. Enjoy it right now....one crazy, nutso day at a time.
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