This year, I have started something new. A friend posted a Scripture writing plan on Facebook. This is where you actually write a particular Scripture each day. I thought I would try it out. I was AMAZED at how much more meaningful it was to write the Scripture as opposed to just reading it. I would say on probably...oh, the first day... I fell in love with this. Shannon over at Sweet Blessings has been wonderful enough to create a monthly Scripture writing plan. She also has a "short version" for those of you who can't figure out how to fit it in or who need to start with baby steps (Hey, no shame in your game! At least you are making an effort!) I really recommend you try it. You might discover, like me, that the Scripture speaks to you differently this way.
Another thing I am trying this year is Bible journaling. As usual, I am the last to the party. I got a flyer from Lifeway Christian stores about a Bible journaling class they were offering. I wondered, "What's that about?" and of course, did the first thing I always do, started searching for stuff on Pinterest. So apparently, it's the new big thing and lots of people are into it. There are Bibles specifically for journaling, with really wide margins. And it was there, on Pinterest, that I found the most beautiful and intimidating examples of what Bible journaling is or can be. Like this.
If you are an artist, I applaud you. I am not. Just ask my students about when I draw a horse, or a dog, or a cow on the board (those three animals look surprisingly similar, by the way).
I can't do this.
I can't even do this.
But well, maybe I can do this.
So here I am...feeling super intimidated and knowing I can barely draw a stick figure and's this going to work out for me? I decided to work with the Scripture I wrote in the morning. After I write it down, I reread it again and underline any parts that are jumping out at me. In the evening, I go back to that same page (which is in a notebook) and sketch something out. Here are some examples. (I realize it is really hard to see in pencil.)

Then when I have created something, I go to my Bible and repeat it with colored pencils and markers (there are certain markers that won't bleed through).
Please don't laugh...but here is MY version of Bible journaling.
You might notice I don't have a journaling Bible. At first I thought that the huge space would overwhelm and intimidate me. Now I realize it would probably be a little easier if I was not working in the space of a postage stamp.
I am not doing this every evening faithfully, though I would like to. The nights I have done it, I have really enjoyed myself. It's super relaxing, even if the end product is nothing worth showing off. Which is ok. God has gifted me with many things. The gift of drawing is not one of those things. I know He loves it anyway.
You know how the adult coloring books are all the rage now? Well, here you go. And it's even MORE relaxing and therapeutic because you are in God's Word, which will kick you down a notch with or without crayons.
Take some Jesus Time!
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