Monday, June 20, 2016

What I Really Wanted to Say on Father's Day

Father's.  Sometimes I think they are a lucky bunch.  My husband can't remember who my children's teachers are.  He doesn't remember who likes Doritos and who likes Lays.  He never fills out permission slips.  He doesn't take them to lessons.  Sometimes I get so frustrated.  It's just not fair. Why do I have to remember all this stuff?  Help me out here, dude.

We are all gifted for different things (whether we are the same sex or not).  And life gets a whole lot easier if you learn and accept that.  While you can learn to do certain things, you may never a knack for it. So don't be envious of someone who has different talents than you, just admire them.  (Maybe if you are really nice to them, they'll even give you some tips!)  Embrace what your gifts are and don't expect others to have the same ones that you do.
My husband is never going to remember who wants Doritos and who wants Lays. But what he does give my girls is so much more important than the correct bag of potato chips.  They know they are loved.  They know if there is an issue and he needs to intervene, he will fight for them for as long as it takes.  More importantly than just feeling loved, they know they are valuable, intelligent and precious, not only to us, but to the world.  Anyone that doesn't think they are doesn't deserve to be their friend or good forbid, their boyfriend (they will probably stop liking their father around that time - you know, when they are 50!).
I love how much he talks to my girls.  About history, about current events, about life.  They know he can help them solve their problems, if that's what they want.  They know they can just vent to him too and he will understand.  He values what they have to say.  They know what it means to be a family. That sometimes you don't know what someone wants exactly, but you will do the best you can and listen and love them. They know what it is to work hard, to provide for your family, and to make sure you take time to have fun too.
So what I really wanted to say to him on Father's Day was, I love you for the gifts that you have.  I love you for the wonderful job you are doing raising two girls in a world that has gone crazy.  And I love you for making the whole thing so darn fun.  And for goodness sake, don't give the Teenie the Doritos.

Thanks to all the Dads out there who are giving it their all!


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

How My Stitch Fix Sylist Became My BFF

So...I really wanted an end of school/beginning of summer fix and decided to lift my once a month fix ban.  I asked for a special kind of fix, just tanks.  Is that weird?  I don't know.  I had read where people asked for just jeans to find the perfect pair and so I thought, why not. While some of the shirts I got were more in the sleeveless category than the tank category, I still loved them all and felt like my girl delivered.  I said that I wanted to have another fix in July so I really did not want to spend too much money on any one shirt.  And let's face it, I am not spending $60 on a tank top, you know I'm not.  So let me share how it all worked out for me.

I had a great day Monday.  And I wasn't expecting to.  But I got a crazy amount accomplished and it took a lot of stress off me.  Then I got a text from my Tweenie..."Your fix is here".  This was sizing up to be the perfect day.

I swear peeking is the very best part.  First I look at one side...

 Then I look at the other...
And man, I was E.X.C.I.T.E.D.

Look at my excited face.
So if you have not followed my blog in regards to getting a fix, here's how it works...I get my fix.  I geek out.  I look at everything.  I geek out some more.  I look at the price sheet.  That looks like this.
In case you can't tell, that is anguish and fear over how much is it going to cost.

Then, before I start freaking out about what I can keep and what I can't, I try everything on.  Because some things might look good in the box but not good on my body or, they might not fit.  So, no, I am not going to start worrying about what to keep and what to send back until I get to this stage. goes.  I know you want me to shut up and show you the pictures already.

Item #1 - Pixley Brook Dot Print Tie-Waist Top - $44


Item #2:  Daniel Rainn Angelika Crochet Detail Top - $64


Item #3:  Aratta Millicent Split Back Top - $54
First of all, apologies on how wrinkled it is.  I can't be ironing clothes if I don't even know if I am going to buy them.  I don't even want to iron when I do buy them!


If that's not fun enough, look what the back does!
She actually saw this tank on my Pinterest board and sent it to me!  A first!


Item # 3:  41 Hawthorn Montgomery Cross Front Knit Top - $48

This is so comfortable, I could wear it to bed.  I love everything about this shirt.

You're not going to believe this, but it just keeps getting better.  I saved the best for last.

Item #5: Renee C Leela Racerback Top - $44 much fun is this shirt?!

Wait! There's more!


So, my total came to $50 over my budget.  But here's the thing, if you keep all of it, you get a 25% discount.  So, if you start picking and choosing, your aren't going to do as well.  (I mean, you don't want me to LOSE money in this thing, right?)  So I spent $34 a shirt basically, which isn't bad, even for a cheapskate like me.  Just help me explain to my hubs that I need a $50 loan until next payday. So, yeah, opps, I did it again.  No returns SF!

Did I mention I was going to Disney in October?  I mean, these are vacation tops right here people. Ok, I can't waste all night justifying this to you.  I gotta go find something to wear with my top tomorrow.
