Sunday, February 28, 2016

March into Some Meal Prep!

This is not your boring meal prep.  For those of you interested in freezer meals, you know how you see someone made 10 meals in 3 hours and you're like "Sweet!" and then find out it was 3 bags of taco meat and 2 other boring things made into multiple bags?  Ugh.

No, no, no.  None of that here.  We are talking real meals.  17 different meals (only 2 repeats). And it's not gonna take you three hours, I'm not gonna lie.  But it is gonna be delicious.
Filling up the table
That's a whole lotta goodness!

I have also read a lot of people complaining that they don't want to spend a day prepping and I just can't figure that out.  A day worth of prepping to have a month's worth of meals done?  That's totally worth it to me.  But then again, I enjoy it so much more now that I have company!  Yesterday is the longest I have ever had a session go and even though we didn't finish until 4, no one noticed the time.  It's like having girl time but accomplishing something at the same time.  So it's like having guilt free girl time.  It rocks.

Those are too tired looking chicks there.  

I am even more excited about this month's menu than last month.  It is my "cleanest" month ever, with almost all new recipes and I can hardly decide what to try first.  It takes me waaay longer to plan the meals than actually put them together (if that makes you feel any better). This month's meals are fantastic!  I hope you enjoy these fresh spring meals!  Consider meal prep to make your life easier, healthier and more delicious during the week! If you don't have the constitution to make 19 meals on a weekend (and who does?), sign up for a session (if you're local!).  Or try just making a few on your own.  You will always want to do it!

I have to go figure out what we are eating first!!  Enjoy~

Thursday, February 25, 2016

March is Coming in Like a Lion

It's the end of February!  And you know what that means!  Yes, Spring is coming.  That's not where I was going with this...time to check in with ya'll on your annual goals.  Don't you dare walk away from this computer.

How is your plan for 2016 coming?  Have you even made one yet?  Not to fear, we are only 2 months into this thing, there is still time.  HOWEVER, stop procrastinating.  That time is now.

Go back and read those last 2 blog posts on making your annual goals (December 29 and January 28) if you need help on how to get started. Most importantly, ask yourself, what do you want to change?  What do you want more of?  What do you want to do more?  What do you wish you'd do less of or stop doing completely?  What would you like to start or learn to do?

Now that you have thought about WHAT you want to do, you need to think about WHY.  Why do you want to work out 3 times a week?  Why do you want to spend more one on one time with your hubby?  Get vested in what you want to do.  It will mean something to you, it will help you reach your goal, and it will make you WANT to do it.

Above all, you've gotta write this down.  I know I sound like a broken record.  You've gotta be able to look at this.  Frequently (at least at the end of each month).  Check in on how you are doing.  You don't want December to roll around and oops...there goes another year.

The one thing I did this month that I am super proud of myself for was in the category of Me.  Now hold on, taking care of myself ain't all about the Stitch Fix.  Here is what I did.  I made appointments with all the doctors I should be seeing on a regular basis but am not.  I would be ashamed to tell you how long it's been (let's just say one had to set me up as a new patient, it had been that long!).  I sat down one day and made three appointments.  Two of them involved me leaving work early.  And man, I struggled with this.  First appointment rolled around and I said "I am going to reschedule it." God bless one of my co-workers who said "Don't".  I am so glad I listened to her (and she wasn't kidding either!) and went on and did it.  The reason I hadn't seen this doctor in 7 years (there, I said it) is for this exact reason. I'll wait for this, I'll wait for that, and the next thing you know, years have passed.  And there you go.  Now I have had all my check-ups and I am happy that I am taking care of myself (and you thought it was all about clothes!)!

Once you write your annual goals down, go after them with a vengeance.  Remember, we said we were going to be FIERCE in 2016!  Get focused.  Go after the changes you want to make.  Take baby steps if you have to.  Start with one small thing on your list.  Make one small step in the direction of doing one thing on that list.  It doesn't have to be a giant leap, but you do have to move.

Bring March in like a Lion!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Breakin' Bread

This month I have shared a few things Team Holmes does to keep us grounded and well, a team.  I'd like to throw one more idea out there that is real rocket science people.  Wait for it.....

Sit down and have dinner together.  

I know, I AM a genius!

Dinner, Ya'll!
Now, there was once a time I would have thought this post was not necessary.  BUT, I have been amazed at how many people don't eat together as a family most nights.  Now, I get that this is not always logistically possible.  We can't even do it every night.  Right now, Hubs has 2 classes a week and on those nights he does not get home until 8:45 at the earliest.  We can't possibly hold dinner until then.  But the rest of us ("Just girls!", they like to say.) sit down like normal and have dinner. So, I get it.  But as much as humanly possible, sit at a table and have dinner.  Oh.  And I'd like to add, with no TV and no phones and no anything else electronic or distracting.  You know, spend time talking about your day.  To each other.  (Gasp!)  

Everybody needs to vent but we try to keep our dinner on the upbeat.  Everyone is happy to tell you what was wrong with their day.  But we want to hear what was right.  Every night everyone shares their high for the day and one thing they were grateful for.  This gives us that sometimes rare insight into bright spots in everyone's day. And sometimes what your family members say might just surprise you.

Have everyone be a part of dinner...someone sets the table, some people cook, some people clean up...the best jobs are those we can do together.  I mean, it's nice to be together but it's less work for me that way too.  Just sayin'. 

Having dinner together is a really important part of our family time.  I hope it is or can be for you too!

Supper Time!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Date Sticks

This month we are focusing on things you love and if you have a significant other, they should be at the top of the list!  Life is busy with...well, stuff and hanging out with your spouse or S.O. might not be as easy as it sounds. night.  Sounds so lovely right?  How often do you have them?  If you're like me, not often enough! Last year I scheduled date nights for the last Saturday of every month so that we would actually take them.  This was much more successful for us than previous years and we got to have a lot of fun outings. However, it seemed like all we ever did was go to a restaurant and hang out.  Which is ok, don't get me wrong, but it's not a lot of variety.  Then, to make matters worse, we started going to the same restaurant and hanging out.  Which equaled even less variety.

This year, I wanted to have a little more...guess what...VARIETY in our date nights.  I also wanted to have some cheaper options than going out to eat.  If you drink with dinner, and believe me, we do, dinner gets expensive.

Enter the Date Sticks.  I saw this idea on Pinterest.  The premise behind it was you could pick a date stick and have some spontaneity in what you were doing that night.  That's only partially what I was going for, so I took the basic stick idea and made it my own.

Number one, I don't want to pull a stick on a Saturday morning and get something that I really don't want to do that night.  OR, pull a stick Saturday night for our date and then find out I have to run to the store for supplies or a particular food.  That is starting my date off on the WRONG NOTE.

Number two, I read somewhere that you should have something to look forward to every day.  I kind of liked that idea.  Jumping on that band wagon, hubs and I decided that we would pull the stick a week before hand so that we can have something to look forward to and know what that something is. And, have plenty of time to prepare, if necessary.

Now, I will tell you that we have pulled a stick and said "Nah" and put it back because it was something we weren't feeling right now.  Hey, you do it your way, I'll do it mine.

There are lots of date ideas on Pinterest.  Some of them I liked, some I didn't, some were just not us. This is supposed to be fun for you!

I bought some large popsicle sticks at AC Moore and used a red fine point Sharpie to write my ideas on them.  We have 2 jars:  "Staying in" and "Going Out".  I used Mason jars and coated the inside with paint.  Then I tied on a red ribbon with hearts and jars.

So here, in no particular order, are our date sticks 2016.  Please feel free to steal them, alter them or add to them!

Staying In
Watch the first movie you ever saw together
Read aloud to each other
Exchange foot rubs
Mexican night
Take out and Scrabble
Watch a documentary together and discuss
Make calzones and play a board game
Have a candlelight night
Make your own massage oil.  Exchange back rubs.
Blankets on the back porch and watch a movie
Roast marshmallows over a fire
Make a bucket list together and make your own sundaes
Homemade pizza and Italian movie
Make mulled wine
Plan our next trip together
Make a puzzle and eat pizza
Nachos and a boy movie
Learn a new hobby together
Build a fort together
Camp outside together
Make milkshakes and watch home movies
Fancy popcorn and a chick flick
Look out our wedding album
Play a childhood game
Make dessert together
Play video games together
Dinner and a movie - with a theme
Search online for dream home
Have a picnic outside under the stars
Make fancy coffee and go for a walk
Video record the story of how you met and fell in love
Fondue and wine night
Play cards
Paint together on canvas
Make a playlist of 10 songs from when you were first dating
Pick out cheese, sausage and wine and then share
Write out 10-15 memories each.  Then read them out loud to each other.
Make foreign food and plan your top 10 trips you want to take.
Chopped challenge - recipe or ingredient
Make a collage of favorite pictures - digital or otherwise
Make something you've never made before in the kitchen together
Ice cream night!  Buy small containers of favorite (each of us).  Talk about ice cream memories from your childhood.

Going Out
Drive in date (
Drive out of town to stargaze together (maybe you can do this where you live, we will see nothing!)
Go antiquing
Window shopping for the house.  Replan a room
Laser tag
Go zip-lining
Go to a hockey game
Grab a pint at an Irish pub
Go to a museum
Play darts
Go bowling
Do a wine tasting
Play paint ball
Drive go carts
Go rock climbing at a gym
Do a beer tasting
Go to the shooting range

Make time for your spouse this year, anyway you can!

Happy Dating!

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Fix #2

I feel like I have anxiously awaited my second Stitch Fix box since the first one was mailed back.
Well on Thursday, the wait was over!

I couldn't wait to see what was inside!
I know most of you are lamenting that I returned the coat, but for me, I really regret returning the jeans I got last time.
So when I saw the denim in this pile, I got really excited!
I got a great note from my stylist, who clearly read my note and had checked out my Pinterest board.

So, let's take a look at what I got this time!

Item #1 - Lysse Whitley Suede Legging - $98
These felt amazing.  They were a little less amazing when I realized they were $98.  Still, I was excited to try them on and had already started justifying... "If I keep the whole box and got a 25% discount...."
Now these are the only pictures you will see of these pants because I couldn't get them on my body.  I felt like God was trying to help me make good decision making here (we ARE trying to pay off our debt AND go to Disney this year).  Maybe it's best they didn't fit.
Verdict:  Returned

Item #2:  THML Dewberry Crew Neck Blouse
I seriously loved this blouse when I saw it in my box.  But when I tried it on, I just didn't love it.  I love the colors.  I don't know if it is because the cream color was at the top (aka near my face) or what, but I just didn't care for how it looked on me.  And the one thing I know is that I am not buying any clothes in 2016 unless I LOVE it.  Bummer.

Verdict: Returned

Item #3:  Mavi Elin Button Down Top - $68
I had requested a gingham shirt and my stylist said she couldn't send me one at this time but sent me this plaid shirt instead.  This is another one that the only picture you will see is me holding it up.  Any of you remember the old Incredible Hulk TV show with Bill Bixby as Bruce Banner?  Well, I kind of felt like him in this shirt.  The sleeves were so tight, I couldn't even move my arms to button the shirt. Bummer.  Again.
Verdict:  Returned

Item #4:  Collective Concepts Korie Tie Neck Blouse - $68
This is a fun blouse and I love the coral color!

Verdict:  Kept

Item #5:  Kut From the Kloth Denim Jacket - $78
So the denim I saw was not another pair of jeans.  Saddy face.  This jean jacket was cute but I already have a jean jacket.  And while it is dark and this is light, I am not at the point in my wardrobe where I can have 2 denim jackets.

Verdict:  Returned

For those of you who want to know more about how this process works, see my January 19th post (Stitch Fix Post 1).  Several have asked me about the returning process, which is so super easy.  Log onto your Stitch Fix account and they are ready for you!

They will have each item listed and ask you to rate in several ways, as well as put comments about why you returned it.

If you select return, it removes the price.

At the end, it asks you to rate your fix overall.

Hit submit, throw your returns in the provided bag and put it in the mail! It's that easy!

Like last time, just one item kept.  Boo.  But yet, I can't wait for my next fix! I feel like this might take a few times before you get in a groove.

Again, if any of you would like to try it, if you keep anything, it costs you nothing other than the clothes you buy.  Otherwise, it is a $20 stylist fee.  There is no shipping and the process for signing up and returning things is super easy. If you would like to try it, please use my referral code.  My pitiful clothes budget and I would certainly appreciate it!

Do you think they will think I am psycho if I ask for the jeans back?

Saving my pennies for my next fix!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Before You Run Out That Door...

I want to share a quickie that our family does that involves the two things I love THE MOST...Jesus and Team Holmes!!

Years ago, and I do mean years ago, we went to Atlanta for vacation.  My oldest had just learned about Martin Luther King Jr in Kindergarten and she was really interested in him.  We decided to head down to "Atlantica" (as my girls called it), to see where he lived and visit his museum.  While on tour of the house where he grew up, the tour guide mentioned that his family always prayed together in the morning.  Hubs and I loved this idea!  We really wanted to start this at home.  But...
this is one of those ideas that sounds good but really.  Our mornings were already a zoo at that time.  I mean don't get me wrong, our mornings really needed some prayer.  But geez, how were we going to add one more thing to the morning?

Somehow we managed to work it in and now it is part of our daily routine, and has been for years. (Funny how things seem impossible to do and the next thing you know, you're doing them!) This prayer is not a long, drawn out affair.  When we are literally ready to walk out the door, we all hold hands and say a quick prayer, asking God to watch over and protect us, to bless us, and whatever else is on our hearts!  It probably takes 1 minute or less.  I love doing this together as a family.  Again, we are Team Holmes. It's us against the world and yeah, we're packing Jesus so you'd better look out.  

See if you can say a quick prayer and bind your family together before you head out into the world. A world that, let's face it, we could all use some protection from these days.

I Say a Little Prayer for You!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Bible Journaling

This month we are focusing on love and if there is one thing I truly love, it is God and my ever-changing, growing relationship with Him.  My journey as a Christian has had many roads and many lessons.  But I feel like the single thing that changed me the most was when I started reading the Bible.  When I turned 40, it really started gnawing on me that I have never read the Bible from start to finish.  My plan was to get up early in the morning and read.  I had one of those "How to read the Bible in 365 days plan".  It seemed manageable.  Well, me getting out of the bed back then was...not manageable.  I can't even tell you how many mornings I overslept or, even worse, got up and then fell asleep on the couch while trying to read said Bible.  Thankfully, I did not give up.  It started with 5 extra minutes, which turned to 10 until I got to the point where I got up 45 minutes early.  Believe me, if you had ever told me this kid was getting up at 5:15, I would have laughed out loud.  I am happy to wake up in the morning and have my Jesus Time.

This year, I have started something new.  A friend posted a Scripture writing plan on Facebook.  This is where you actually write a particular Scripture each day.  I thought I would try it out.  I was AMAZED at how much more meaningful it was to write the Scripture as opposed to just reading it.  I would say on probably...oh, the first day... I fell in love with this.  Shannon over at Sweet Blessings has been wonderful enough to create a monthly Scripture writing plan.  She also has a "short version" for those of you who can't figure out how to fit it in or who need to start with baby steps (Hey, no shame in your game!  At least you are making an effort!)  I really recommend you try it.  You might discover, like me, that the Scripture speaks to you differently this way.

Another thing I am trying this year is Bible journaling.  As usual, I am the last to the party.  I got a flyer from Lifeway Christian stores about a Bible journaling class they were offering.  I wondered, "What's that about?" and of course, did the first thing I always do, started searching for stuff on Pinterest.  So apparently, it's the new big thing and lots of people are into it.  There are Bibles specifically for journaling, with really wide margins. And it was there, on Pinterest,  that I found the most beautiful and intimidating examples of what Bible journaling is or can be.  Like this.
If you are an artist, I applaud you.  I am not.  Just ask my students about when I draw a horse, or a dog, or a cow on the board (those three animals look surprisingly similar, by the way).

I can't do this.

I can't even do this.

But well, maybe I can do this.
So here I am...feeling super intimidated and knowing I can barely draw a stick figure and's this going to work out for me?

I decided to work with the Scripture I wrote in the morning. After I write it down, I reread it again and underline any parts that are jumping out at me.  In the evening, I go back to that same page (which is in a notebook) and sketch something out.  Here are some examples.  (I realize it is really hard to see in pencil.)

Then when I have created something, I go to my Bible and repeat it with colored pencils and markers (there are certain markers that won't bleed through).
Please don't laugh...but here is MY version of Bible journaling.

You might notice I don't have a journaling Bible. At first I thought that the huge space would overwhelm and intimidate me.  Now I realize it would probably be a little easier if I was not working in the space of a postage stamp.

I am not doing this every evening faithfully, though I would like to.  The nights I have done it, I have really enjoyed myself.  It's super relaxing, even if the end product is nothing worth showing off.  Which is ok.  God has gifted me with many things.  The gift of drawing is not one of those things. I know He loves it anyway.

You know how the adult coloring books are all the rage now?  Well, here you go.  And it's even MORE relaxing and therapeutic because you are in God's Word, which will kick you down a notch with or without crayons.

Take some Jesus Time!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Dinner And a Movie

It all started with Smokey and the Bandit.  If you can believe that.

I found out my BFF had never seen Smokey and the Bandit and well, I just couldn't live with myself until I rectified the situation.  Who would let their best friend go on in life without having seen Smokey and the Bandit?

So we (hubs and myself and her hubs) decided not only were we going to share this movie with her, we were going to give her a full experience.  Coors Light.  Fried chicken.  Mashed potatoes.  Banana pudding.  She needed to see the movie, and have a dinner that went with it.  And thus, dinner and a movie night was born.

It went from there...everyone found out I hadn't seen The Godfather.  An Italian dinner and red wine joined the movie.  Someone hadn't seen Jaws...seafood and flaming Dr. Peppers ensued.  You get the picture.  It's kind of like seeing the movie in 3D when you're eating food that goes with it.  We always enjoyed these nights so much and felt like each one outdid the last.  But unfortunately, we stopped doing it.  It's funny how life sometimes gets in the way of doing the things you enjoy.  

At the end of 2015, BFF and I agreed that dinner and a movie needed to make a come back.  We sat down and set dates for once a month for the entire year.  Sound crazy?  Well she and I both know if it's on the books, it's gonna happen.  Just like I have to schedule date nights, we gotta schedule double date nights.

We are still going with movies we (at least someone in the group) have never seen.  There is an endless supply of "top 100 movies you have to see" lists out there.  But you can easily do this with one of your favorite movies of all time or just a movie that you can pair with a fun dinner.  The possibilities are endless!

So do you want to know what our first dinner and a movie was for 2016?  This time it was me...I have never seen Pulp Fiction.  And boy, did our friends not disappoint.  We had diner food - delicious cheeseburgers and fries. And milkshakes with bourbon.  Da-lish-us!!  My girl even gave me a hint on what to wear.

Show your love to your friends. Getting together with another couple doesn't mean you have to go out and spend a lot of money.  Dine in and make it something fun!  You can even cook together if you want!  It's all about spending time together and having a good time!  Do something different!

Enjoy dinner AND a show!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Family Night Snacks

Earlier this week, we talked about having regular family nights where you have fun, spend time together and enjoy each other's company without outside distractions.  Our family nights generally consist of making pizzas and eating popcorn but there are a couple of other regulars that make a visit on Friday nights.  One of them is a really easy recipe I would like to share with you!
White chocolate popcorn.  Mmmmm.
It's really simple and the possibilities are endless!  We made this batch Valentinish (yeah, it's a word.  ok, not really). Let me show you how.

1.  Make a couple batches of popcorn (yes, you can do microwave if you want!)
2.  Get some white candy coating at the grocery store.  It is usually sold in the baking aisle near the chocolate chips.  Most places have both chocolate and vanilla.  It is sometimes called "bark".

3.  I usually do about 4 "blocks".  I don't like every piece of popcorn to be coated, I like some chocolatey pieces and some not so much.  Feel free to adjust according to your taste.
4.  Melt in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time, stir and repeat until it is fully melted.  We like to be seasonal so if we are near any holiday, we will add the appropriate food coloring (last night we did red).
5.  Pour over your popcorn and stir it up.
6.  At this point, you can get creative.  My favorite additives are m&m's (there are red, white and pink Valentine m&ms!  Just sayin'!) and broken pretzel pieces.  I also frequently use different holiday sprinkles, such as this:
They can be found in the Target dollar spot.  (Bonus!)  These were Valentine with hearts, of course.   Spread the popcorn out on a cookie sheet or 9x13 pan and  let it sit for about 10 minutes to harden up a little bit.

And voila!
A delicious special treat!  I don't make this every Friday because here's what happens...
Self-control.  It's not our strong suit.
