Thursday, January 26, 2017

I'm Gonna Need More Joy

One of the best traditions I have started in recent years is the Joy Jar.  I read where a family had a memory jar they kept every year. They put in slips of paper about things they did all year and then went through the jar on New Years Eve as a way of remembering all the fun things they did.

I liked this idea but I wanted to change it a bit.  I wanted ours to be a "Joy Jar".  Every night when we sit down for dinner, we say what our high for the day was, as well as one thing we were grateful for.  These things are sometimes big events, but most days, they are just the little unexpected happinesses that make up life. These are the joys I wanted captured in my jar.

We decorated a jar and put a notepad and pen next to it.  Anytime something happens that brings us joy, someone adds a slip to the joy jar. This can be anything from "Daddy making spaghetti tonight" to "Our Disney World vacation was AWESOME!"  Once a slip goes in the jar, there it stays until the first day of the new year, when we eat our Hoppin' John Soup and dump out the Joy Jar.  I can't even tell you how we have the best time walking down memory lane and finding out what we did that brought others joy. Sometimes it's obvious (like a vacation) but most of the time, not so much.  I am always surprised at how much we forget in a year's time.  And I am always surprised by many of the comments in the jar.  It's not, "we went to Water Country yesterday".  It's "When we were at Water Country Mommy held my hand".  The most amazing thing of all is how stinkin' happy we all are after reading through the jar.  We walk away from reading the slips changed people.  A little happier, a little lighter, a little more grateful, a little more loved.
Hoppin John and the Joy Jar dump

After we finish going through our jar, I am kind of bummed that we have to wait a whole year to do it again.  And this year I can we do this more often?  I need the happiness that reading these slips brings us more often than once a year.  I mean, what are we saving the joy for anyway?

Then....inspiration struck.  I would make a smaller Joy Jar and keep it on the middle of the kitchen table.  Then, once a week, on family night, we will dump our Joy Jar and read all the slips from the week.  THEN we will put those slips in the bigger jar and save them for our annual New Year's Day read. Now we get guaranteed joy once a week.  It's a great kick off to family night.  And usually, it sparks more slip writing.  Yes, joy begets joy. And I'll be honest, I could of used a little more joy (or cowbell).

One thing I have to caution you on with Joy Jars is not to put them someplace too out of the way.  I have a centerpiece for our kitchen table and was always trying to keep the jar off my table.  But, if you put it on a shelf somewhere, out of sight is out of mind, and you are not thinking of putting things in it, especially if it is not yet a habit.  I made the move to put the smaller one on the center of the table and it is full every week.  It's like you have to think about the joy because it's right there in your face. This is a good thing.  You are focusing on what brings you joy.  What can I put in the jar?  What brought me joy today?

Columba Marmion was an Irish monk who said,
"Joy is the echo of God's life within us."

Are you a joyful person?

Do you want to be?

Change your focus.  Focus on your joy.  We are being bombarded with negativity by the news and social media.  It is so toxic for your soul.  You are going to have to get your joy on. And don't rely on anyone else to do it for you. Because these days, no one will.

Make sure your life is showing God's life within you.  Which should be love and joy.  Be joyful.  If for nothing else, that you have had this gift that we call today.  May it be well with your soul.

Love Y'all~

Monday, January 16, 2017

A Reading Challenge & Accidental Habits

Remember my post at the end of December about what I learned last year?  Another thing I learned is that a lot of the activities we do in our life, even more than we think, are just habits. While I was going through "my issues" last year, I started to do less and less of my "normal" activities. One example is blogging.  At first, it was "I just don't have time." But then you find that you are always saying you don't have time.  And if you let life take you over, you have suddenly formed the habit of NOT doing something.  Ever.  And sadly, they are usually things you enjoyed.

One habit that I accidentally broke last year was reading.  I absolutely love to read.  The library is one of my fav places to be and I swear my blood pressure goes down as soon as I walk through the doors.  I can wander around aimlessly with no particular book in mind for hours. I am also a huge fan of the site Goodreads.  It's a great place to keep track of all the books you want to read and those you have read.  (Because I don't know about ya'll, but I can't remember anything without writing it down anymore!)  Best of all, they give you recommendations based on what you have read and liked.  You can connect with other readers as well and recommend books to your friends.

Last year, due to my reading habit being broken, my reading goal was not quite reached.  This year, I have challenged myself to

  1. Get back into the reading habit
  2. Have a specific book to read each month
  3. Read 30 books

There are lots of reading challenges out there and some of them are quite lengthy (and intimidating!).  I really wanted one that was a month to month challenge but couldn't find the perfect one.  So...I just borrowed some ideas and made my own!

My 2017 Reading Challenge

January – A book that was or is being made into a movie
February – A  love story
March – A book that’s been on your “to read pile” for a year or more
April – A book that is based on a true story
May – A classic
June – A New York Times Best Seller
July – A summer novel that is just for fun
August – A book you picked because of the cover
September – A book someone recommended to you
October – A thriller
November – A Young adult novel
December – A book everyone says you can’t put down

I have already read 2 books this year and they have both been great so I feel like I am off to a good start!  Here are some of my very favs from last year! (Goodreads will also give you an annotation of the book, if you want to know what they are about)

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Here are the books I am committing to reading in 2017 (now that I've told you this, I am really committed!).  I am trying to branch out!  I love looking at those "books you have to read" lists on Pinterest.  It's where I get a lot of my ideas for what to read.  I would also like to read a classic every month.  But...let's be real, I only read 21 books in 2016 so I will be doing well just to read one from the challenge list and one from this to read list. But who that I have accepted my new reality, maybe I can start reading again.  It's a habit I love to have.

Image result for the other einstein     Image result    Image result for the vanishing year   Image result for the wonder

Image result     The Secret Ingredient of Wishes    Big Little Lies    A Monster Calls

The Couple Next Door    The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America    We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves     A Man Called Ove

Read On!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Good Way to Start the New Year

Purge:  To rid someone of an unwanted feeling, memory or condition, typically giving a cathartic release.  Synonym: to cleanse.

My faithful readers know what time it is.  It's purge time.  No, we're not going on a diet or drinking some detox stuff.  Not right now, anyway.

January is a time when you are feeling renewed and refreshed and energetic.  You need to jump on that feeling.  Quick.  It's the perfect time to put your house and your self in order. You will be amazed at how much lighter and more organized you will feel when you start cleaning out all of the things in your house that you really don't need.

For those of you who are new to this, we are going through our house, room by room, drawer by drawer and getting rid of every and anything we don't need.  Don't freak out, we are not doing this in one day!  The best way to purge your house is bit by bit, but following a schedule so that it doesn't go on forever.  I personally like to be done in one month.  I also find that once I start, I get even more motivated.  But it can be exhausting too, I'm not gonna lie.  Pace yourself.

You have to purge mindfully and ruthlessly.  Walk in a room with a trash bag and start with a drawer.  Ask yourself.  Do you really use this item?  Do you need it?  Is it adding value to anyone's life in your house?  No?  Get rid of it.  Holding onto things you don't need is weighing your life down.

It is a very big job to say "purge the kitchen".  It is really simple if you do it drawer by drawer, cabinet by cabinet.  That way, if you have just 5 minutes, you can do a drawer.  Simple.  Well, not the junk drawer.  That's not so simple.

Here is my list (yeah, a list!) of how I break down my purge.  Your's will be different, obviously, based on your house.
There are several things you can do with the items you decide to purge.  Have a yard sale, sell things online, or ask friends if they need an item.  If you don't want to fool with any of that, take it all to Goodwill.  Better yet, have the vets pick it up at your house!  All you have to do is get it on your porch.

Rubbermaid containers and lots of organizational tools that can help your cause are on sale this month.  As you are purging, if you have a room or an area that is particularly a mess, you might want to think about it.  This room/area is probably not set up the best way possible because it is not working for you.  This is a great time to take advantage of those organizational sales!  While you are purging, you can also make a list of things that need to be fixed.  Handle broken on the drawer you are purging?  Need to get some new kitchen towels because all the ones you have look ratty?  Write it down.

I have one daughter that I love doing this with, she is a great purger.  I have another daughter and a husband who are awful to purge with.  You know the hoarders in your house.  Keep them out of this activity!!

If you are afraid someone is going to have a come apart if you get rid of something, put it in a bag and put it in the attic.  CAUTION:  do not transfer everything from the house to the attic!  Also, staple a piece of paper to the bag with a date 3 months from today on it.  In 3 months if no one has freaked out about it, send it to Goodwill.  I have never had to retrieve anything out of the attic.  Just sayin'. will have to purge your attic too at some point.  Don't let this be you:
Man, that was embarrassing to share.  My attic.  I have to keep an eye on it at all times.

There are so many ways you can make this fun.  Listen to fun music, invite a friend over to help you (they are super objective!), purge with a glass of wine, purge with a friend and wine!  I promise you, once you do one room, you will feel motivated to keep going.  (Or at least keep drinking the wine!)

You might not want to start with the hardest room in the house.  For me, the kitchen is always one of the worst (where DO all these glasses come from???).  I definitely don't start there.  I like to start with under the sink in the half bath.  There.  That was so easy.  Especially with that glass of wine.  Hey.  Don't judge me.  I'm working here.

Having your house in order makes you feel like you have your life in order.  And in a sense, you do.  Or at least, it's a start.  Ever heard of fake it til you make it?  Surround yourself with only the things you love and need in your home.  You will be surprised at how your life will follow suit.

Start your new year lighter!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Let's Eat!

It's January 4th ... high time for your January menu!  We've got some good, stick to your ribs winter food on here this month!  Don't worry about wrecking your diet's all good clean eats!

So feel good about your meals while you get your comfort food on!!

As always, all of these meals can be made ahead and frozen!


Monday, January 2, 2017

Be Resolute in 2017 !

It's the first week of 2017.  So you know what that's your annual goal pep talk!  Don't groan!  If you have followed my blog for over a year, you know that I am not a believer in New Year's resolutions.  To me, a resolution is just you deciding you are or aren't going to do something.  People, if we could just decide something and do it, we would all be some skinny, non-smoking, gym going to, water drinking, thoughtful people.  Well.  Anyway.  Will power alone ain't gonna cut it.  It never does.

That being said, while I am not a believer in resolutions, I am a huge fan of goal setting.  I like to sit down at the beginning of the year and think of all the things I would like to accomplish.  A new year is so energizing to me.  At the same time, I find this overwhelming, so I have to make categories.  I am not a dork, it's just how my brain works.  OK.  Maybe I am a dork a little bit.  Here's where I go:

Home:  Projects I want to do around my house.  These come in all shapes and sizes and are generally dictated, like the rest of my life, by my budget.
Health:  Usually my shortest list.  Just keeping it real.  I did a good job with this category in 2016 so...go me.
Social:  I love my people.  Want to have more date nights?  Want to spend more time with friends doing fun things?  Insert ideas here.
Finances:  Do you want to do something in particular with your money?  Just wish you had some?  Yeah friend, me too.  Here is where we start figuring out how to make that happen.
Me:  This should be the best, most funnest category!  How come it is the hardest? What do you want to do for YOURSELF?  Be your best friend this year.
Things I'd Like to Do - These are a few of my bucket list items that are once again, dictated by my budget, but I feel might be doable.  Yes, doable is a real word.

You don't have to figure out how to make all these things happen right now.  Just start by writing things down you would like to change, add or remove from your life.  It starts that simple.

If you do write down goals (and if you are going to set them, you have got to write them), review your goals from last year at this time.  Be kind to yourself.  Some goals didn't get accomplished because they just weren't important to you.  Maybe you felt like you should say you were going to stop cussing.  But then you were like, geez. I just enjoy it so damn much.  That's just for example.  I'm not saying that's me or anything.  If you aren't really vested in it, it's not going to happen.  So keep it off your list.

I love making a goal frame with some of the things I want to be most focused on.  I saw this idea several years ago on My Craftily Ever After and I loved it.  This is not the place for your plan, but a place for your focus.  Put this somewhere you will see it every day.  One of my focus items is "Stop:  Being frustrated."  Obviously this is not a step by step plan on how to accomplish that.  I just want to look at this every day and remember that I am trying to be less frustrated with my life.  My goal notebook has several things that are supposed to take me in that direction.  In the frame, my focus items are:

Learn How To:
Bucket List:

Don't make resolutions.  Be resolute.  Be admirably purposeful, determined and unwavering in your pursuits.  How powerful is that?

Now, go kick 2017's butt.

Happy New Year!