A really funny thing happened to me this past summer. I noticed my self-esteem started to take a nose dive. I was jealous, when normally I am not. I was not happy with myself. I really started to feel some kind of way and that way, well, it just wasn't me. I blamed it on a couple of things, but I think it was just from taking a backseat. I know one thing for sure, I deserve time and attention just like everyone else does. And so do you. Some of the the things I want to do this year are:
- Have more girls nights. I do lots of double dates. I do lots of "Team Holmes" and your family. Me and just a girlfriend? Not so much.
- Get my nails done. Consistently.
- Get my hair done. Consistently (usually it is summer time when I just lose it on this one).
- And the biggest one of all...buy more things for myself. And by 'things for myself', I don't mean things for my house. I mean clothes. Shoes. Accessories.
That's alright. It's a new year. Time for some changes. One of the problems with getting your nails done, and your hair done, and buying clothes for yourself, is that you have to take TIME to do that. Excuse me, MAKE time. And therein lies my biggest problem.
It just so happened that before Christmas break one of my teacher friends told me about Stitch Fix. Ever heard of it? I hadn't (of course)! Stitch Fix is a personal stylist who picks out clothes and sends them to you. You start by filling out a small style profile questionnaire. You select how often you want a fix: every 2-3 weeks, every month, every other month, every 3 months, or not automatic at all. You can also link a specific Pinterest Board, Twitter or Linkedin account of yours, to let your stylist see what types of things you like! Schedule your first fix and sit back and wait.
Now, here's how it works: When your box ships, a $20 stylist fee comes out of your account. If you buy anything from the box, that $20 is applied to your purchase. So you are really only paying a stylist fee if you don't buy anything.
They give you a list of what each item is and how much it costs, and a style card to give you ideas of what to wear with the items they sent you. I mean, is this fun ya'll or what?
Do you want to see what I got? Oh geez, I thought you'd never ask! First of all, let me apologize for the pictures and picture quality. Hubs had gone to work and I had to send my items back (you have 3 days to look them over, and yes, they send you a postage paid envelope to return everything in, just drop it in the mail!) So, my photographer was a 12 year old who really wanted to get back to her, whatever it was she was doing. Plus, I have never really taken a picture of just me modeling clothes so I felt like a big dork.
Item #1 - Andrew Marc - Sidi Toggle Wool Coat - $178
When I first saw this, I thought "Meh". Didn't think it was my style or color. But when I tried it on, it was super cute!

And warm. And it fit great. Alas, I couldn't keep a $178 coat at this time. Believe me, I wish I had kept it today. It was like, 3 degrees here.
Verdict: Returned
Item#2 - 41 Hawthorn - Beatrice Exposed Zipper Dolman Top - $58
I knew I was going to love this before I even put it on. It was very soft, and I just loved the gold zipper in the back!

Trust me, it looked way cuter than this picture looks (see aforementioned comment about hormonal photographer and dorky model!)! I wore it Sat night to my hubs' birthday party and got so many compliments!
Verdict: Kept. Guess you figured that when I said I wore it to my husband's birthday party, huh?
Item #3 - RD Style - Wilkes Colorblocked Raglan Sweater - $58
(picture below)
The sweater was cute but just not a great color for me. It fit great and was really soft.
Verdict: Returned
Items #4 - Liverpool - Collen Straight Leg Jean - $78
Now I saw the price and said "I would never pay $78 for a pair of jeans." Then I put them on. 5 minutes later I said, "I would pay $78 for these jeans." Not only did they fit great, they felt like butter. I loved the fade on them and according to my photographer, they made my butt look good.
Vedict: Sadly, returned

Item #5 - Look by M - Della Tartan Plaid Infinity Scarf - $34
Another one I saw in the box and thought "Meh, not really me". Put it on and it was really cute (and again, with the softness!).
So I guess my stylist knew what she was doing afterall. This would be a good time to tell you that if you do buy your whole box, you get a 25% discount, along with your styling fee off. So I could have gotten all these items for $284.50, which is a pretty good deal. Now, this would also be a good time to tell you that I am pretty much a cheapskate when it comes to clothes. The prices on these items, I needed a minute. BUT...I had 2 epiphanies. #1. I have been having an issue lately with things I have recently bought having holes or tears in them. Cheap clothes. Am I saving money in the long run? (And apparently nice clothes are really soft.) #2. If we go out to dinner, which isn't often, but it DOES happen, we will easily spend $30. And I am talking about Sonic here, not even a real restaurant. I will spend $30 on food that, well, let's just say that's not gonna last (except on my thighs), but balk at spending $58 on a blouse that made me feel amazing and will hopefully last for a long time, at least longer than dinner, that's for sure. Sometimes we have mindsets about things that we need to analyze. When I thought about it that way, it seemed totally worth it. I am totally worth it. You are too.
If you would like to check out Stitch Fix, please use my referral code:
I get a credit for anyone who does get a shipment. Which would be great. Remember the 10 things in my closet. Well, 11 now because I kept that one black blouse. A referral might get me up to item #12.
You might think I was disappointed because I only kept one thing, but I wasn't. I had a ball! One of the things that I indicated to my stylist was that I wanted to try new things. She picked 2 things for me that I would have never tried on and I thought they were both cute on me. And that's part of what I want this year. To branch out a little, try some new things and become an even better me. And yeah, what girl doesn't want to feel pretty?
Try Something New!
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